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Le Forum Franco-Allemand is a completely bi-langual academic journal which focusses on the Franco-German relationship and Europe concerning matters as politics, ecomonics, law and culture.

High-class articles

The journal is composed of articles written by political analysts, academic specialists as well as business leaders. Most of the authors are French and German, but for every issue there are also authors from other countries (see below). Matters of special interest are discussed in the part "dossier". In this context we try to introduce problems and issues which are not directly linked to the Franco-German relationship. The following personalities have already contributed :

Politics :
Tony Blair, Menzies Campell, Malcolm Rifkind, Kenneth Clarke, Gerhard Schröder, Roman Herzog, Jochka Fischer, Vàclav Havel, Nicole Fontaine, Sir Michael Jay, David Clark, Karl Lamers, Jean François-Poncet, Romano Podi, Hubert Védrine, Pierre Moscovici, Javier Solana, Michel Barnier, Pascal Lamy...

Academics :
Charlie Jeffery, Joseph Rovan, Alain Minc, Jean Boissonnat, Alain Finkielkraut, Julien Hervier, Werner Weidenfeld, Prof. Robert Picht, Jean-François Revel, Prof. Karl Kaiser, Prof. Lothar Rühl, Claude Hagège, Prof. Serge Sur, Thierry de Montbrial, Pascal Boniface (IRIS), Prof. Michael Stürmer, Prof. Albrecht Betz, André Glucksmann, Marcel Reich-Ranicki...

An independent think-tank

Cette revue permet l'introduction en France de débats intellectuels qui ont lieu dans d'autres pays et de faire connaître à nos lecteurs des auteurs qui ne sont pas (ou peu) connus en France ; elle doit également permettre de véhiculer un certain nombre d'idées étrangères dans notre pays. Nous essayons de proposer d'autres sensibilités, d'autres conceptions sur des questions également abordées en France. Dans cette optique, le bilinguisme constitue l'un de nos principaux moyens. Cette revue, dont l'un des axes principaux est l'analyse des questions franco-allemandes, se fixe pour objectif de souligner et de surmonter le parallélisme plus ou moins conscient du développement de la France et de l'Allemagne depuis plus d'un demi-siècle.

Ainsi, nous souhaitons que Le Forum Franco-Allemand participe à la "libre circulation des idées" européennes. Il semble que de trop nombreuses barrières intellectuelles et linguistiques jouent encore un rôle trop important ; elles freinent trop souvent les échanges intellectuels en Europe, en dépit du rapprochement institutionnel des différentes nations européennes.


Le Forum Franco-Allemand is distributed all over Europe, expecially in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The journal can be found in all important academic institutions as universities, research institutions and foundations, the political institutions as Parliaments, Governments. However, due to its economic parts, Le forum is also well known in different big enterprises.


Media information

This high-quality journal is issued semestrally. Normally, there are five chapters dealing with politics, economics, defence, culture and law. The chapters generally relate to current debates. Sometimes "le forum" is edited as a special issue.

Generally, the journal is run of about 5000 copies.

Your perfect medium of publicity

For these reasons, Le Forum is a perfect and qualitative medium for public relations in Europe. Publicity pages are of special interest if they are related to the main interest of a chapter. Next to interesting articles of well-known personalities, each publicity and sponsoring gets a unique signification and meaning and is paid attention.

Additionaly, you can benefit of the young and dynamic accent of this particular journal : Financed only by spsonsoring, the editor enjoys complete independence in the selection of matters and topics. That is an advantage for every publicity.

Copyright © Le Forum. All rights reserved

To be edited




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